Seamlessly Dimension Parcels, Flats, and Polybags in Seconds!
MULTI-DIRECTIONAL DIMENSIONING – Speed up your internal processes by conveniently placing your item within the scanning area in almost any direction and the overhead design will measure its dimensions in seconds!
INSTANT INTEGRATIONS – Easily Integrate with shipping software, a barcode scanner, a label printer, and even your existing scale to create a complete shipping & manifest workstation. Truly have all your devices work together seamlessly!
USER-FRIENDLY STATIC STATION – That’s right, no moving parts! With its easily maintainable and user-installable features, you can place it directly within your line of operations and begin streamlining your internal processes quickly!

Dynamic dimentions
5 cm H x 140 cm L x 80 cm W
30 cm H x 110 cm L x 70 cm W
45 cm H x 94 cm L x 63 cm W
60 cm H x 75 cm L x 55 cm W
90 cm H x 45 cm L x 33cm W

Data Connections
Ethernet, USB, RS232

Cuboid – 5 mm
Irregular – 10 mm
